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sizde aradigimiz urun gazli sofben. LPG ile calisacak. Turkiye de eskiden kullandigimiz gibi tuple calisan ve sicak su temini icin kullanilan sofben. Kombi ile alakasi yok.

we want the best price for gascooker 5 burner 60*90 cm

we want 5400 sets stansteel kitchen wearhouse in carton.. include cooking pot 3litr capacit stansteel 0.8 mm cooking pot 5 litr capacity 0.8 mm frying pan 2.5 litr 0.8 mm kitchen nife 15 cm stansteel with wood or plastic handle ladle 100ml,

we would like to corporate with a Turkissh company at two categories: - Import and sell of High Efficiency Natural Gas Heaters according your dealers/representatives. - Produce of High Efficiency Natural Gas Heaters as CKD or SKD according your standards.

we are very interested in Gas Ovens. We would like to enter this line to our company. Please help us.

We kindly asking to consider the possibility of supply of jars for spices. We would like to receive a drawings of the products that are in stock and the delivery of which can be started without any prior preparation.

we like to send us a catalogue of Plastic Kitchenware and pricelist to choose some codes from you.

We have four storey house and for this we want central heating systems 150000 calories will be filful tell the prize of it dear

kindly info us for the best manufacturing produce builtin oven and gas cooker too.

We are looking for products which made in Turkey? Please refer us to the manufacturers of these products

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