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طلبات اجهزة والات المنزلية

أنت تشاهد الإعلانات في الفئة اجهزة والات المنزلية

Now i need to import Refrigertor and air conditioner Specialy SINGER brand if not no problem.

Firmamiz bir aluminum merdiveni siparis etmek istiyor. Bu merdiven 15 metre yukseklige ulasmasi gerekir. Ayrica silindirlerle olmalidir. Sirket merdiveni bu tur varsa e-posta acilen benimle irtibata gecin

We need bin that can be fixed on Refrigerator door with Suction Cups (for holding sleek cans).

I'm currently in Istambul and needed to purchase floor and wall tiles, sinks and toilets, marble tops, MDF boards, lights and switches, air conditioners, televisions and cookers, beds. I'm buying in bulk and have very few days left.

I am looking for Heat Pumps for space heating and water heating. Made in Turkey

I´m searching for a supplier in Turkey for silicone trivets. I already have a supplier in China but the shipping costs are too expensive.

Sizlerin yapmis oldugu urunler hakkinda bizleri bilgilendiriseniz cok memmun oluruz cunku burada mutfak esyalari isyeri acmak istiyoruz.

I want to buy 10 Pieces of IQ 2010 5 Pieces of IQ 2020 5 Pieces of IQ 701 Can you make me a very special Price ?

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