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طلبات مكائن الصناعية / انظمة رافعات / كرواتيا

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I need manufacturers of TRG-cranes (Rubber tired gantry crane) we want to buy one RTG crane for the needs of the company

Can you send me your email to proceed with inquiry with. technical specification for el.hoisting winch?

We want to buy crane 30t (kopru vinci 30t) Please give us your best offer.

Please contact me on my e-mail regarding Inquiry for Deck and auxilary cranes for our project P1276. With best regards, Plazonic

We are a company from Croatia which specializes in selling machines for metal forming. You can see from our web site XXXXXXXXXXXX what line of work we are in and what company we represent. One of our customer make program for purchasing new equipment for the plant. needs a bridge crane with lifting capacity 6 t (or similar) span 20m, control the crane with radio control and lift height 7m. Crane in everything must meet European standards in terms of quality of design development and testing

inquiry Dear, we kindly ask you to give us your best offer for: GANTRY CRANE span is 170 met lifting weight 450 tons on each side one arm 50 met for lifting Expecting your reply Kind regards,

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