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طلبات مكائن الصناعية / نصب خط الانتاج / أفغانستان

أنت تشاهد إعلانات شراء بوست في الفئة مكائن الصناعية والفئة الفرعية نصب خط الانتاج من أفغانستان


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maya uretiyoruz bize maya uretmek icin makinalar lazim bu konu ile alakali sizin yardiminiza ihtiyacimiz var

We are one of the big company who wants to expand their business in every field. our company wants to setup a Gas Storage Plant in United Arab Emirates UAE so, I found your company that could provide us those services we need to build a Gas Plant

We are a food and beverage production company from Afghanistan What we need: Mineral Water Producing complete Line

i want establish a candy factory and looking for toffee candy machine and hard candy if you have this item please give me more information about these machine with their price.

I need Onyx mosaic making machine If you can share my message to your clients, I appreciate

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