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طلبات مكائن الصناعية / مكائن صناعة حديدية / تركمانستان

أنت تشاهد إعلانات شراء بوست في الفئة مكائن الصناعية والفئة الفرعية مكائن صناعة حديدية من تركمانستان


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Dear Sir We are interesting in your company about Can making line, Then we want contact with your company and bay some equipment of can making machine. Firstly we need All fully details of this machine, then price of list of this equipment, quality, guaranty and etc. After we want to learn how it is working and work with your team together. It is very important for us. Could you send us All information for between 10000-24000 cans/hour or some others, (0.250 and 0.330 lt.) cans mak

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