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طلبات مكائن الصناعية / مكائن انسجة

أنت تشاهد إعلانات شراء بوست في الفئة الفرعية مكائن انسجة في الفئة مكائن الصناعية

يرجى الحصول على طلب عرض أسعار موسع لآلة تقطيع اللحم MMG-1500M. الكمية: قطعة واحدة؟ نحتاج إلى أسعار مفصلة ومواعيد التسليم وأي شروط سارية.

Partnership Request for Establishing a Leather Processing Factory in Kosovo I am ***, representing *****-**** and I am pleased to inform you that we have made significant investments in acquiring machinery and land for the establishment of a leather processing factory in Kosovo. we are seeking a partner to invest in this factory. We have conducted a detailed market analysis and have identified a high demand for processed leather products, including fashion items, accessories, and industrial products.

I need machines for making shoes, can you help me??! In fact we are a company that evolves in the field of leather ... We would need machines for the manufacture of shoes, could you help us ??

Hello, I want machine for leather 1) leather polishing and burnishing machine 2) electric polishing machine 50 60h 3) generator 4) singer sewing machine rare, complete and collection 5) mini portable sewing machine 6) the leather element master tool cub 7) mak te335 triple-feed industrial sewing machine 8) separateseats tricycle motorcycle dump cargo tricycle

I am currently looking for suppliers of all machinery for shoemaking with leather.. handbags.. accessories and belts.

I am looking for Leather processing machine, from drying all the way to its end product

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