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طلبات مكائن الصناعية / سنغال

أنت تشاهد إعلانات شراء بوست في الفئة مكائن الصناعية من سنغال

1 mortiser 1 vertical tower diameter 2m 1 press 500 tons 1 radial drill

I. Would like to have. An offer. Financial. And. Technical. For. 2 boosters. From. 400m3 to 700m3 / h. Plus autotransformer start control cabinet plus accessories.

looking for industrial units in aluminum extrusion, processing and the food industry

I am looking for manual guillotine shears, press brake and manual pyramid type bender

I want an onion peeling and cutting machine If I can have the capacity and the price order And potato potato and onion machine

I'm searching machines for production of tea, herbal tea, grass and plants in sachets

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