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طلبات مكائن الصناعية / أفغانستان

أنت تشاهد إعلانات شراء بوست في الفئة مكائن الصناعية من أفغانستان

I am interested in cake line and could you please share with me cake line and with details please.

Kindly please send us quotation for bread flour production line which can produce 150Tun PRD.

We need please contact me ergently by what's up no as soon as possible please

maya uretiyoruz bize maya uretmek icin makinalar lazim bu konu ile alakali sizin yardiminiza ihtiyacimiz var

i want establish a candy factory and looking for toffee candy machine and hard candy if you have this item please give me more information about these mach...

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