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طلبات مكائن الصناعية

أنت تشاهد إعلانات شراء بوست في الفئة مكائن الصناعية

I’d like to know about the carpet cutting machines and carpets in rolls

I interesting pasta machine for Angola 1.000kg Hour spaghetti

I need the equipments quotation below 1- 28 sets gantry cranes 10 ton - 01 electrical troller 380 V 50 Hz, remote control, 9 m max lifiting height, 9 m span. 2- 14 sets gantry cranes 30 ton - 01 electrical trolley 380 V 50 Hz, remote control, 9 m max lifiting height, 9 m span.

Im looking for the machine can produce this ... Im in konya rigth now and i want to know which city are you , if you have what im looking for

I want to buy a machine to make 8 or 10 station slippers complete ready to work and know if you also sell the raw material pvc (I want to know the price of the machine nkva and second hand)

I am looking for used truck crane lifting higher I need a lite crane lifting up to 52 m or more It's for ringing towers

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