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طلبات مالدوف

أنت تشاهد إعلانات شراء بوست من مالدوف

نحن نبحث عن موردين موثوقين لمواد التغليف متعددة الطبقات للأكياس، المستخدمة في المكملات الغذائية والصيدلانية لتعبئة المساحيق والحبيبات. نحن مهتمون بشكل خاص بالمواد التالية: الورق المطلي / PE / AL / PE PET / AL / PE هل يمكنكم التأكيد إذا كنتم توردون مثل هذه المواد؟

we need a two-component polyurethane adhesive, a one-component PU adhesive and an MS-based adhesive, glue for vinyl , container per month. please send fob price and what packing . Thank you

We are a Moscow company and we are interested in a two-component adhesive for parquet

Cooperation in the field of wholesale purchases of gypsum putties and adhesives.

I am interested in GLUE TERMO CPH and GLUE HENKEL SUPRA 100, volume 2000kg. Tell me please, if you have these items in stock? Please provide me information and commercial offer.

looking for self-adhesive thermal labels for testing. Label sizes 50 x 70 mm and 100 x 150 mm different colors in rolls.

We are analyzing possible suppliers to work with in 2021. We are interested in the supply of products under a private label. We are interested in supplying of this products

We are loocking for producers of labeling complexes and applicators for gluing labels.

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