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طلبات تربية الحيوانات / تونس

أنت تشاهد إعلانات شراء بوست في الفئة تربية الحيوانات من تونس


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Please send me a proforma invoice (transport to tunis included) for: 01 manual transfer machine 01 collection device with double handle of 30 eggs each.

I want equipment for 2 chicken coop with an area of ​​14 * 90 m, including drinking, fodder, grooming and postage. With 20 chickens per square meter, with price and type also plastic chicken floor over the entire area with the price

I propose that you study the possibility of concluding a technical partnership on a poultry breeding project and a chicken slaughterhouse that will be carried out in Libya by a Libyan investor.

I want to buy 14x90m of domesticated equipment. Feeding, drinking, cooling heating as well as automatic lighting, ventilation and controller

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