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طلبات التشييد والبناء / سعودية

أنت تشاهد إعلانات شراء بوست في الفئة التشييد والبناء من سعودية

Hello, my name is M**** W****. I work for S**** R***** E*** D**** Company in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. I would like to import many materials related to our company’s field of work from Turkey.

I have a facility and I want an excellent agency that has plumbing

Bathroom cabinet , faucet, accessioress Shower sets Shower and bath mixer , sink mixer , kitchen mixer , shower mixer , shattaf

I would like to buy Porcelain tiles and bathroom accessors to export it to Libya.

In Nigeria but I'm currently based in Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates

I need spare parts for rain shower mixers, can you send an approximate picture of the mixers

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