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طلبات التوريدات الزراعية / الري - أنظمة الزراعة المائية / اوكرانيا

أنت تشاهد إعلانات شراء بوست في الفئة التوريدات الزراعية والفئة الفرعية الري - أنظمة الزراعة المائية من اوكرانيا


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Interested in factories producing vacuum pumps Three to five units are needed for the enterprise Capacity 190 m3/h Motor 5,5kW 380V 1500rpm

we are a metalworking company, part of the V****** g*****. In Romania we will produce irrigation machines. We have demand for different metalworking services that we are not going to do at our production site. For the future orders we are looking for manufacturers that can do stamping, bending, cutting, welding, threading, punching, profilemaking, painting, assembly ets. Our main material is S235-S355, thickness from 1 up to 50mm, Plain, pregalvanized, HDG etc. We also have at least 150 different drawings of parts for an irrigation system.

We want to buy goods of Hunter brand (irrigation system) to Ukraine

Interested in wholesale to Ukraine hoses 16 drip irrigation

We need to purchase filter discs. We are looking for a disc manufacturer. Can you help us?

need a different types of sprinkler we want to buy for irrigation machines we need irrigation aids in the amount of about 300 pcs per month

We are determined to find a supplier of quality products for long-term relationships in order that this product could be presented in the Ukrainian market.

We wish to cover this narrow segment of irrigation by ourselves, but European brands that we represent are too expencive for 55-60% of our customers, so we are searching for a new partner with a high quality pivots+pumps+hose reels, with a price at least - 25-30% cheaper

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